Thursday, 14 June 2007

Waiting game

Sorry I haven't updated the blog for a while. I'll include all the updates in one post...

The fitness day was nearly disastrous. After signing in at the gym, I was asked for the "form", which - to my sudden horror - I'd completely forgotten about and had left at home. You need the form to take the test, so I was looking at a wasted journey.

The AFCO is only 5 minutes walk from the gym, so I asked for a bit of time to get another form. Thankfully (after a long wait) the AFCO coughed up another form.

All the training I'd done for the fitness test was on a road (I hate treadmills), but because the standard needs to stay constant throughout the country, the actual test has to be done on a treadmill.

It was horrible, there was no music, the "supervisor" was miserable and I had to stare at myself in a mirror. I ran the 1.5 miles in 11 minutes 30 secs, the minimum requirement is 12 minutes 20 secs. I sure was relieved when I'd finished.

Now began the waiting game.

Completely unexpected, while I was visiting a friend in Oxford about a week later, the AFCO phoned to say I had a join date!

From 7th October I will board HMS Raleigh for 8 weeks of hell that I will apparently enjoy!